A very prominent resident of the was Mr. Andrew Carnegie. His late home occupies the block between 90th and 91st Streets. The best known residents of the city were re perhaps J. P. Morgan and J. D. Rockefeller. The latter does not lived exactly on the Avenue, but just a step west on 54th Street, and the former on Madison Avenue, corner 36th Street. Many of the persons mentioned in the following list lived on Fifth Avenue above 59th Street, East of Central Park. This mile or so contains the homes of the people who where New York leaders in society, finance and commerce. A ride on top of the Fifth Avenue 'bus going to 110th Street will take you past the section and by reference to this list you can easily keep informed as you ride by. A leisurely walk is of course likely to prove more satisfactory, as the 'bus doesn't give you time for more than a fleeting glimpse.
Mr. J. P. Morgan, 231 Madison Avenue.
Mr. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., 10 West 54th Street.
Mr. Robert W. Chambers, 43 East 83rd Street.
Mr. Vincent Astor. 840 Fifth Avenue
Mrs. Burke Roche, 23 West 53rd Street.
Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1 West 57th Street.
Mr. Theodore N. Vail, 150 West 59th Street (Navarro).
Mr. Arthur Curtiss James, 39 East 69th Street. Mr. Cleveland H. Dodge, 90 Park Avenue. Mr. Henry E. Huntington, 2 East 57th Street. Mr. Archer M. Huntington, 15 West 81st Street.
Mr. George Grey Barnard, 454 Fort Washington Avenue. Miss Elsie Janis, 55 West 71st Street.
Mr. Julian Street, 151 West 86th Street.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 47 East 65th Street. Mr. George F. Baker, 258 Madison Avenue. Mr. George F. Baker, Jr., 260 Madison Avenue. Mr. Thos. F. Ryan, 858 Fifth Avenue.
Mr. Francis Lynde Stetson, 4 East 74th Street. Mr. John G. Milburn, 16 West 10th Street. Col. M. Friedsam, 400 Park Avenue.
Mr. I. N. Phelps Stokes, 118 East 22nd Street. Mr. Samuel Sloan, 45 East 53rd Street. Mr. Nicholas F. Brady, 989 Fifth Avenue.
Mr. George B. Cortelyou, Riverdale-on-Hudson. Hon. Lindley Garrison, 399 Park Avenue. Mr. Frank A. Munsey, "Sherrys".
Mr. Ogden Reid Mills, 2 East 69th Street.
Dr. Samuel W. Lambert, 130 East 35th Street.
Pres. Nicholas Murray Butler, 60 Morningside Drive. Mr. John Drew, 96 Central Park West. Mr. David Belasco, 115 West 44th Street. Mr. George M. Cohan
Mr. Arthur P. Williams, 117 West 58th Street. Mr. Otto Kahn, 1100 Fifth Avenue.
Hon. George. M. Wickersham, 30 East 70th Street. Miss Elsie Ferguson, 294 Riverside Drive. Miss Jane Cowl, 186 West 86th Street. Mr. H. O. Haverneyer, 1 East 66th Street. Mr. Reginald de Koven, 1025 Park Avenue. Mr. Victor Herbert, 321 West 108th Street. Mr. Irving Berlin, 30 West 70th Street. Mr. Irvin Cobb, 116 West 120th Street. Mrs. Richard Harding Davis, 19 Sheridan Square. Mr. Chas. Dana Gibson, 127 East 73rd Street. Mr. H. P. Davison, 696 Park Avenue. Mr. Frank Vanderlip, Plaza Hotel.
Mr. Samuel Untermeyer, 2 East 54th Street.
Mr. Charles M. Schwab, Riverside Drive and 73rd Street. Mr. Theo. Roosevelt, 201 West 74th Street. Capt. Archie Roosevelt, 201 West 78th Street. Col. E. M. House, 115 East 53rd Street.
Mrs. Sayre (Pres. Wilson's daughter), 173 West 81st Street. Mr. Jacob Schiff (Mortimer L. at 2 East 80th Street). Mr. August Belmont, 820 Fifth Avenue. Mr. Brander Matthews, 337 West 87th Street. Sig. Enrico Caruso, Knickerbocker Hotel. Miss Louise Homer, 38 West 64th Street. Miss Geraldine Farrar, 290 Riverside Drive. Miss Mary Garden, 196 Central Park West. Miss Mary Pickford, 240 West 68th Street. Mr. Douglas Fairbanks, 119 Central Park West.
Mr. James B. Duke, 1 East 78th Street. Mr. E. H. Sothern, Hotel Lorraine. Miss Julia Marlowe, Hotel Lorraine. Mrs. H. P. Wnitney, 871 Fifth Avenue. Miss Eva Tanguay, 160 West 96th Street. Miss Blanche Bates, 630 West 121st Street. Mr. Fredk. McMonnies, 110 West 56th Street. Mr. Geo. Innes, Jr., 525 Park Avenue. Miss Maud Adams, 960 Park Avenue. Mr. W. R. Hearst, 137 Riverside Drive. Mr. Rube Goldberg, 420 West End Avenue. Mr. Payne Whitney, 972 Fifth Avenue.
Mr. Chas. F. Murphy, Fifth Avenue and 44th Street.
Mr. Delancey Nicoll, 23 East 39th Street. Mr. W. B. Osgood Field, 645 Fifth Avenue. Mr. W. T. Hornaday, Zoological Park.
Mr. Rodman Wanamaker, 37 West 56th Street.
Mr. Howard Chandler Christy, 15 West 67th Street. Mr. Grantland Rice, 450 Riverside Drive. Mr. John McGraw, 228 West 112th Street. Col. Wm. Hayward, 120 Broadway. Gov. Al. Smith, 25 Oliver Street.
Mr. Ralph Pulitzer, 17 East 73rd Street. Miss Frances Starr, 220 West 45th Street. Miss Anne Morgan, 219 Madison Avenue. Mr. De Wolf Hopper, 27 West 49th Street. Mr. Fred Stone, 27 Madison Avenue.
Mr. Job Hedges, Union League Club, 1 West 39th Street. Mrs. John Perroy Mitchel
Mr. Nathan Straus, 645 West End Avenue. Mr. Adolph Lewisohn, 881 Fifth Avenue. Mr. Harrison Fisher, 15 West 67th Street. Miss Ida Tarbell, 19 Sheridan Square.
Mr. Ernest Thompson Seton, 6 East 58th Street. Archbishop Hayes, Madison Avenue and 50th Street. Miss Emma Goldman, 19 Avenue B. Ex-Gov. Charles E. Hughes, 32 East 64th Street. Hon. Elihu Root, 908 Fifth Avenue. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, 27 West 54th Street. Judge Alton B. Parker, Metropolitan Club. Mr. D. G. Reid, 907 Fifth Avenue.
Mr. Frederic K. Coudert, 124 East 56th Street. Mr. Clarence Mackay, 834 Fifth Avenue.
Mr. Joseph Hergesheimer, 160 Central Park West. Mr. Richard Le Galliene, 123 Riverside Drive. Dr. Lyman Abbott, 431 Fourth Avenue. Mr. David Warfield, 196 West 86th Street. Mr. Lionel Barrymore, 117 West 74th Street. Mr. Chas. Scribner, 9 East 66th Street. Mr. Geo. H. Putnam, 333 West 86th Street. Mr. James W. Gerard, 9 East 91st Street. Mr. Rex Beach, 17 West 66th Street.
Bishop Burch, Amsterdam Avenue and 110th Street. Mr. Rupert Hughes, 37 Morningside Avenue. Mrs. Willard Straight, 1130 Fifth Avenue. Mr. W. Bourke Cockran, 107 East 73rd Street. Mr. Herbert L. Pratt, 907 Fifth Avenue. Mr. James K. Hackett, 58 West 71st Street.
Mr. T. C. Dupont, 11 East 78th Street.
Mrs. J. G. Stokes (Rose Pastor), 88 Grove Street.
Bishop Charles H. Burch, Amsterdam-Avenue and 110th Street. Mr. William Dean Howells, 50 East 58th Street. Mr. Hamlin Garland, 71 East 92nd Street. Mr. James Montgomery Flagg, 33 West 67th Street. Mr. Frank J. Sprague, 71st Street and West End Avenue.
Mr. James Lane Allen, 460 West End Avenue. Miss Viola Allen; 167 West 81st Street. Mr. Winthrop Ames, 270 Park Avenue. Miss Margaret Anglin, 33 West 42nd Street. Miss Gertrude Atherton, 547 West 145th Street. Mr. John Kendrick Bangs, 145 East 63rd Street. Mr. Bernard Baruch, 135 West 79th Street. Mr. Ballington Booth, 34 West 28th Street. Mr. Gutzon Borglum, 166 East 38th Street. Mr. William J. Burns, 233 Broadway. Mr. Arthur Brisbane, 112 East 61st Street. Mr. William A. Clark, 13 West 102nd Street. Miss Rose Coughlan, 253 West 42nd Street. Mr. Timothy Cole, 507 West End Avenue. Mr. Kenyon Cox, 134 East 67th Street. Mr. Palmer Cox, 145 East 70th Street. Miss Henrietta Crosman, 186 West 93rd Street. Miss Rachel Crothers, 138 East 40th Street. Mr. Alan Dale, 257 West 128th Street. Mr. Walter Damrosch, 146 East 61st Street.
Mr. Robert W. De Forest, 7 Washington Square, N. Mr. Richard Delafield, 40 West 46th Street. Miss Elsie de Wolfe, 2 West 47st Street. Mr. Dwight Elmendorf, 201 East 68th Street. Miss Maxine Elliott, 109 West 39th Street. Mr. William Faversham, 187 West 69th Street. Miss Minnie.Maddern Fiske, 135 West 69th Street. Mr. Simeon Ford, 43 West 74th Street. Mr. Daniel Chester French, 12 West 8th Street. Mr. Daniel Frohman, 145 West 79th Street. Mr. Elbert H. Gary, 856 Fifth Avenue. Mr. Giulius Gatti-Casazza, 832 Riverside Drive. Miss Grace George, 137 West 48th Street. Mr. Cass Gilbert, 42 East 64th Street. Mr. Walker Whiteside, Hastings, N. Y. Mr. Montague Glass, 376 West 78th Street. Col. Edward H. Green, 215 West 88th Street.
Miss Louise Closser Hale, 27 Washington Square, N. Mr. Will N. Harben, 145 East 63rd Street.
Miss Frances Burton Harrison, 653 West End Avenue. Mr. George Harvey, 171 Madison Avenue. Mr. Al. Hayman, 1430 Broadway.
Mr. Oliver Herford. 167 West 74th Street.
Sir. Peter Cooper Hewitt, 18 East 33rd Street. Mr. Robert Hilliard, 176 East 61st Street. Mr. Herbert C. Hoov4r, 173 East 81st Street. Mr. Walker P. Hines, 122 East 70th Street. Mr. Wallace Irwin, 183 West 93rd Street.
Mr. William Travers Jerome, 103 East 84th Street. Mr. Heywood Broun, 195 Claremont Avenue. Mr. Charles Rann Kennedy, 156 East 38th Street.
Mr. George 1e. Kunz, 601 West 110th Street. Mr. Thomas W. Lamont, 49 East 65th Street. Mr. Isaac V. Marcosson, 18 West 25th Street. Miss Edith Wynne Matthison, 734 Riverside Drive. Mr. James S. Metcalf, 2 West 67th Street. Mr. Henry Miller, 50 West 112th Street. Mr. Francis D. Millet, 146 East 73rd Street. Mr. Cleveland Moffett, 621 West End Avenue. Mr. Henry Morgenthau, 30 West 72nd Street. Mr. Joseph Pennell, 132 East 32nd Street. Mr. Michael I. Pupin, 1 West 72nd Street. Mr. Burr McIntosh, 102 West 42nd Street.
Franklin P. Adams ("F. P. A."), 612 West 112th Street. Mr. Philip D. Armour, 1067 Fifth Avenue. Mrs. Sara Cooper Hewitt, 144 East 39th Street. Mr. Paul Dana, 1 Fifth Avenue
Mr. Lispenard Stewart, 6 Fifth Avenue. Miss Kitty Cheatham, 274 Madison Avenue. Miss Norma Tallmadge, 318 East 48th Street. Miss Marguerite Clark, 311 West 28th Street. Miss Clara Kimball Young, 33 West 42nd Street. Mrs. Mary Roberts Rinehart. 023 Riverside Drive. Miss Ethel Barrymore, 167 West 85th Street. Mr. Arthur Williams, Union League rho,
Mrs. John Jacob Astor No. 840
Mr. Edwin Gould 936
Mr. Francis Burton Harrison " 876
Rev. Alfred Duane Pell , 929
Mr. William Rockefeller .... . " 689
Mr. Thos. F. Ryan " 858
Mr. Jacob H. Schiff " 965
Ail .71•s. Finley J. Shepard (Miss Helen n M.
Gould) 579
Mr. B. N. Duke
Mrs. Marcus Daly " 200
Mr. Anthony J. Drexel, Jr " 1051
Mr. Fred'k S. Flower 612
Mr. Henry Clay Frick ith Ave. cor. 70th St.
Mr. Robert Goelet No. 647
Mr. S. R. Guggenheim 743
Mr. Rob't L. Gerry " 816
Mr. Wm. Guggenheim " 833
Judge E. H. Gary " 856
Mr. Geo. J. Gould 857
Mr. Adrian Iselin, Jr 711
Mr. Wm. E. Iselin " 745
Mr. Philip Lewisohn 923
Mr. Mortimer L. Schiff " 932
Mr. William Salomon " 1020
Mr. Sam'! Untermyer „ 675
Gen. Cornelius Vanderbilt
Mr. Wm. K. Vanderbilt 459
Mrs. Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Jr 660
Mr. Harry Payne Whitney 870
Mrs. Frank W. Woolworth „ 991
Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont No. 477 Madison Ave
Mrs. H. O. Havemeyer 5th Ave. cor. 66th St.
Mrs. E. H. Harriman 5th Ave. cor. 69th St.
Mr. James Speyer No. 257 Madison Ave.
Mrs. Andrew Carnegie 5th Ave. cor. 91st St.
Mr. James B. Clews 5th Ave. cor. 85th St.
Mr. James B. Duke 5th Ave. cor. 78th St.
Mrs. Ogden Goelet 608 5th Ave.
Mr. Elbridge T. Gerry 2 East 61st St.
Judge A. R. Lawrence 69 Washington Place
Mr. Ogden Mills 2 East 69th St.
Mrs. Herman Oelrichs 5th Ave. cor. 57th St.
Mrs. Hamilton MeK. Twoinhty 27 E. 55th St.
Gen. Cornelius Vanderbilt 5th Ave. & 57th St.
Senator William A. Clark 5th Ave. & 77th St.
Mr. John D. Rockefeller 4 West 54th St.
Mr. Wm. H. Vanderbilt 5th Ave., 53-54th Sts.
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