New York City Travel
Theodore Roosevelt. President, Burial:: Youngs Memorial Cemetery New York, USA. Coopers Union Hall.    



The hall of Cooper Union has witnessed many famous gatherings and to this day it maintains its popularity. In the days before the Civil War its walls echoed to the plaudits of the Abolitionists like Beecher, Garrison and Wendell Philips. Abraham Lincoln made his first appearance before an Eastern audience in this place. It is said that his speech here made him President. At all events, Peter Cooper conferred a lasting good on New York when he bequeathed her this noble gift. Some Annex buildings have recently been added by the family, greatly enlarging its usefulness.
From Pike Street to Tenth Street, along the East River in the old days were to be seen splendid sailing ships in every stage of construction. There were also rigging lofts, sail lofts, block and pump makers, painters, carvers and gilders, iron, brass and copper workers ; mast and spar makers, and ship stores of all kinds. The fresh odor of rough hewn lumber, seething Carolina pitch and Stockholm tar, filled the air with healthful fragrance. For this was the day of the famous Yankee Clipper, and New York was in the lead of ship builders. The Flying Cloud, Sweepstakes, Andrew Jackson, N. B. Palmer and Surprise are only a few of the many famous square rigged beauties hailing from this port.


They are remembering forests where they grew: The midnight quiet and the giant dance; And all the singing summers that they knew. Are haunting still their altered circumstance.
Leaves they have lost, and robins in the nest,
Tug of the friendly earth denied to ships, These, and the rooted certainties, and rest
To gain a watery girdle at the hips.
Only the wind that follows ever aft,
They greet not as a stranger on their ways;
But this old friend, with whom they drank and laughed, Sits in the stern and talks of other days,
When they had held high bacchanalias still,
Or dreamed among the stars on some tall hill.
—David Morton.

The famous yacht America, for whose cup there is still a continual contest, was designed and built by Henry Steers, whose yard was at the foot of about 12th Street. All this section is now hum drum and prosaic to an inordinate degree from a tourist's point of view, and not worth a visit, unless you are absorbingly interested in big breweries, piano factories and lumber yards. So we will resume our trip back to Union Square, where Broadway and 14th Street commingle.
Going north from Cooper Institute we see two mammoth buildings occupied by John Wanamaker. The building between 9th and 10th Streets is the old Stewart store. Grace Church adjoins Wanamaker's on the north, and at one time stood at the head of Broadway. It is one of our oldest churches, and its supporters are real old New Yorkers. It is the proper thing to be married from Grace Church at high noon. An open air pulpit in memory of Dr. Huntington is interesting.
There is nothing particular beyond Grace Church until you come to 14th Street. Here is the building occupied by that famous political organization, Tammany. Hall. This is the home of the present "braves". We have given an account of their origin elsewhere in these pages.
Adjoining Tammany is the old Academy of Music, where Grand Opera was first given in New York, and where the famous Ball to the Prince of Wales was given in 1860. The grandson of that Prince, recently in this country, was taken to view this old scene of his ancestor's visit to New York. The old decorations were restored and the Academy made to look once again as it did on that memorable occasion; the chair which was used by the grandfather was also brought out for the grandson's benefit. Some of the guests at that first ball were also present. It was an interesting incident in the visit of young Edward and one that he enjoyed.


Already the great affection in which Roosevelt's memory is held by the American people is finding outward and visible expression in the multitudes that make the pilgrimage to his last resting place at the foot of Saga-more Hill.
From the day of his death this demonstration has been steadily growing. It is estimated that on regular Sundays the crowds number upwards of five thou-sand, while on special occasions this number is more than doubled. Wreaths, memorial offerings and remembrances of all sorts arrive daily. The insatiable desire to possess some souvenir (it' the grave has already caused the erection of a ten foot iron railing around the lowly mound.
The grave is in Young's Cemetery and Roosevelt's old home at the top of Sagamore Hill is plainly in sight. All the familiar scenes which the Colonel loved and the places most closely identified with his home life are before you. It is a picture not easily forgotten and will prove one of the most lasting and satisfactory experiences you will receive on your whole trip.

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