The Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is situated in Central Park, with the main entrance on Fifth Avenue at 82d Street, the building extending from both to 84th Streets. The Fifth Avenue stages pass the door; the Madison-Fourth Avenue cars, one block east, cross the subway at the Grand Central (42d Street) station and transfer to the crosstown cars at 59th and 86th Streets; the nearest elevated station is that of the Third Avenue at 84th Street.
The Museum is open daily: Saturday I0 A.M. to I0 P.M.; Sunday 1 to 6 P.M.; other days, including legal holidays, 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. in summer or 5 P.M. in winter. Admission on Monday and Friday, only, is 25 cents; all other days and legal holidays are free. Restaurant and rest rooms are in the basement, reached by the northwest stairway of the central building; public telephone, free checking, wheel-chairs, and information desk are at the Fifth Avenue entrance. Expert guidance by a member of the staff may be secured on application to the Secretary; the charge is 25 cents a person with a minimum of $1 an hour.