New York NY best top restaurants guide, menus, restaurants reviews. Tourist descriptions of NYC restaurants and food.    
The City of New York is the most marvelous exemplification of those traits of the American people which have made the United States of to-day. Interest in New York does not lie in the mere magnitude of the city, but is found rather in the bound-less enterprise, the bold conception and the amazing achievement, which have reared the mighty fabric of the Metropolis. The theme is one which might well challenge the pen of him who would celebrate the America of the beginning of the Twentieth Century.


  • Restaurants in New York The tourist no doubt would like to see some of the real foreign places. As a matter of fact, the best places to eat and restaurants are on the lower East Side on Second Avenue, between 1st and 14th Streets. Near by are the famous Bohemian cafes. Around the corner, in a wide street, are a group of Italian spaghetti houses. In the upper reaches of this section are the French pastry parlors.
  • Chinese Restaurants in New York There are five quite orthodox Chinese restaurants in Chinatown. They are ostensibly Chinese owned and managed by Chinese. The waiters are all Chinese, for the same reason that the walls have Chinese dragon tapestry. The lights are shrouded in fantastic shades, and The prices are not moderate.



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