"Flowers of all hue, and without thorn the rose."
1. Systematic Section, in which hardy herbaceous plants, exclusive of local flora, are arranged in beds according to their natural relationships. This section also includes shrubs (Fruticetum) and trees (Arboretum).
2. Local Flora Section, which is one of the most interesting parts of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, for here are to be found, fully labeled, nearly 1,000 species of herbaceous and woody plants which grow without cultivation within a radius of 100 miles of New York City.
3. Morphological Section, illustrating external plant anatomy or plant structure and furnishing an opportunity for comparative study of plant organs.
4. Ecological Section, illustrating the adjustment of plants to their surroundings.
5. Evolution Section, illustrating various interesting facts of variation, inheritance, artificial and natural selection, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest and plant breeding.
6. Economic Section, in which are found plants which furnish foods and condiments, those which are medicinal or poisonous, and fiber plants. To the children and many adults living in a large city, this is one of the most instructive parts of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, for an exhibit of this kind affords them their only opportunity of seeing the commonest food, medicinal and fiber plants as they grow.
7. Weed Section, showing the characters of weeds.
8. Formal Garden Section: Japanese Garden, Rock Gar-den, Esplanade, Laboratory and Conservatory plazas.
Among these sections, the Japanese Garden deserves special attention. Opened in June, 1915, it is becoming more attractive as the flowering cherry, plum and apple trees and the azalea bushes become larger. This garden is most beautiful during the first part of May, when the wonderful Japanese flowers are at their height. It is not a flower garden, however, as is indicated by the following quotation from Mr. T. Shiota, the designer of the garden, in which he defines it as "the natural landscape idealized and pictured forth by real objects on the ground. Just as an artist sketches a scene on canvas, so the garden de-signer represents a beautiful object on the ground by the aid of pick and shovel, using trees, rocks, water and stones as nature uses them, but employing the principles of three separate arts—painting, sculpture, and architecture—to gain the effects we desire."
It is evident to the visitor of Brooklyn Botanic Garden that the idea has been well carried out here. On a site, especially favorable, including a portion of the shore of a small lake, are Inari shrines, gates, tea-house, moon-view house, wistaria arbor, bronze storks, picturesque drum bridge and stone lanterns, which combine with the plants and natural scenery to produce the general effect. An unusual and picturesque wooden structure known as a torii is situated in the lake. These structures are always placed before shrines and indicate the gate to a temple. The torii in the garden is modeled after the famous one at Miyajima, which stands in the sea and is the only torii in Japan so placed.
The Conservatories contain a selection of tropical and subtropical plants, with unusual emphasis upon those of economic importance.
The Library, open free to the public daily for reference, contains over 14,000 volumes and over 6,000 pamphlets on botany or closely related subjects. More than 450 current botanical periodicals are received.
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